Hi my name is Renee,

Im a Dancer and 500 Hour Yoga & Meditation teacher based in London. I believe that everybody’s journey into Yoga is different. Whether you start through meditation, breath-work, yogic philosophy, or simply moving the body through Asana practice, there is an entry point for everyone. Through my continuous studies and practice in Dance & Yoga my classes offer a combination of both movement and mindfulness with the breath being the key guide through out class. I encourage people during class to listen and honour where they are each day. Reminding you to drop any expectations and bring more intuition and creativity into the way you move on the mat. My classes weave through Breath-work, Pranayama, Hatha/Vinyasa, Free movement, Kriya, Mantra, and Meditation. A practice which anchors us back to the breath, our internal energy, physical body and mind. A space to be moved by your own movement, expand your awareness, and soften into the body.

Whether it’s through the offering of yoga retreats, events, group classes, or private sessions, my intention is to share that yoga is accessible to everyone. Offering you daily tools to shift your inner landscape so you can fully be with every present moment.


Yoga Retreats


Kind Words


Weekly Online Classes

April 8th- May20th


8am UK | 7pm NZ


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